Tuesday, June 28, 2011

26th June - Steep Point

I decided to spend another night at Nanga - as rough as it was.  It meant that I'd be able to go to Steep Point without having to carry my gear.  That morning, one of the blokes that I'd bumped into the previous days that didn't think much of the 'resort' mentioned that a better shower block was near the shop, his comment "that other one is 3rd world".  I've not been to the 3rd world, but I think he might have been doing the 3rd world a disservice - they were pretty rank.

Anyway, I took off for my first mini-adventure.  The maps had "4WD tracks for experienced drivers only" so I didn't know what to expect.  I hoped one wheel drive would be able to manage :)  The road was pretty sandy and I'd come across about a dozen roos so I was taking it fairly easy.  I'd only noticed one set of tyre tracks and I'd already passed the 4WD going in the other direction - I was beginning to think the area was deserted.  Sand dunes everywhere.  I bumped into one of the Rangers who was fishing on the rocks.  She said to call into the house but to be wary of the dogs - I said I won't run over them.  She said they were 'big' - motioning about waist height.  I'm not the best around dogs - so I wasn't looking forward to meeting hers.

Around the corner I saw about 6 camp sites, then another lot of 4 and so on.  This place was busier than Bourke St!  Everyone seemed to be out on their boats fishing.  I called into the Ranger house to say G'day and what do you know - a dirty great Rottweiler was barking.  Great - what do I do now?  Then I hared a whistle and the dog ran around the back.  The ranger said "Sorry, she doesn't like motorbikes".  I said "No worries - I don't like dogs!".  We had a quick chat - there's no charge for motorbikes, so I headed off.

I found the sign for Steep Point after taking a wrong turn - took the obligatory pic.  Sorry if you've just eaten and have to look at this.  I'm not sure what that growth is, but it won't wash off.

This rock was left near the sign.  I think this was the same mob of Kiwi's that we (the tour group I was with) bumped into at Carnegie Station as they were on their way to Steep Point after heading off from Byron.  Looks like they beat me - I shouldn't have dawdled in Freo for so long :)

I had a tonne more fun heading back to Nanga - well, at least through the sandy tracks anyway as I knew what to expect as far as road conditions and distance.  The Usuless Loop road that leads into Steep Point is another matter though - very boring, straight graded road - it seemed to go on forever.  I then headed up to Denham which is the westernmost town on the Australian mainland.  Not much to see, so refuelled and headed back to Nanga.

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